Never Turn Trades into Investment
When the market move against you, cut loss. When the you get it right, take profit. Don't be greedy. You won't know when it will turn.
Your First Loss Is Your Best Loss
When you trade turn awry, cut loss fast. The subsequent loss is likely to be more severe.
It Is OK To Take Loss When You Already Have One
Losses, realized or unrealized, are actual losses. Unrealized losses if not taken, may lead to bigger losses.
Never Turn a Trade Gain Into Investment
Do not be too greedy. Know when to get out. Market can turn anytime.
Tips Are For Waiters
Don't be fooled by hot tips.
You Don't Have a Profit Until You Sell (Close the Trade)
Paper gains can be wiped out when market swings.
Control Losses: Winners Take Care of Themselves
It is more important to pay more attention to losing trade and limit the losses. You don't have to worry too much for the winners.
Don't Fear Missing Anything
The opportunities will come again. Don't chase the price.
Don't Trade Headlines
News headlines are too brief and inaccurate. They just want to get it out quick. Read into details. The stock will not fly away.
Don't Trade Flow
Don't buy just because someone is trying to sell you and you think it is convenient. Do research before you buy anything.