Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stock Market Review - Has the market bottom out?

This is a billion dollar question!

If you are sure that the market has bottom, what would you do? Of course buy big time and wait for it to recover. What if it takes another 5 years to recover? Are you able to wait for so long? In the end of the day, investing is about ability to hold it out. If you are only looking at 3 months or 12 months time frame, then, it will be speculating on short economic cycles and a lot of risk is involved.

When the market is on a down trend, it tends to be extremely volatile. Price swing is much large than in the uptrend. You need to be able to take the fluctuation in good strike and be confident in your decisions.

According to Ben Graham, one must be able to take the down swing of up to 33% in order to be able to consider yourself an investor. If you are think of entering at the bottom of the market and trying to sell at the peak of the market, chances are that you will miss both by a lot.

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