Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Important lessons - Timing, stop loss, support and resistance

There were a few mistakes made during the last few trades that cost me some money instead of making a few thousands. These are important lessons that I need to remember:

Keppel Corp
Ascendas India Trust
Parkway Holdings

All the above counters suffered from having stop loss point to close to the entry and above or just below support where the counters penetrated support and rebound back to close much higher following the overall market bullishness. Even though I know that the short to mid term trend is to go up, I had stubbornly put the stop loss too close. In the case of Parkway and Ascendas India Trust, I lose patience with them and decided to get rid of them out of frustration.

As a good investor or trader, one needs to be very patient and calm. One must not be agitated easily and must not succumb to unfounded fear. Fear of losing is always the cause of loses. Balancing greed and fear is very important in succeeding in trading or investing.

I must adjust my stop loss and must not sell out of frustration. Since I still have more than 75% of my capital standing by, I must not be worried about my capital being tied down not earning anything. The correct way is to use up my additional capital for new opportunities and keep my existing investment intact unless there is compelling reason to sell.

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I'd like to share my experiences and knowledge about healthy and happy living as well as mid-life crisis. 不以物喜,不以己悲。