Thursday, December 24, 2009

Will US Dollar Collapse?

This is a video that was submitted by someone who believes that the dollar will collapse.

Based on the argument, if other countries starts to use other currencies a way from US Dollar in international trade, US Dollar will start to lose its significants and collapse.

1. China, India etc buying Gold.
2. Arab nations starting to work with their customers other than US to use a "basket of currencies".
3. Central banks starting to purchase non-US Dollar currencies like Yen, Euro etc.

What is the situation on the "Main Street" in US now?
What will these young people do and how will they grow up to be?
What is their future like?

What is next for the US government? Continue to spend? Will they continue to get money from foreign countries? Or to put it more accurately, getting more goods from foreign countries using IOU notes? Will the IOU notes continued to be recognized?

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