Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stock Trading Summary

I had been trading on and off this year. I only trade more actively since August 2010 onwards. I had been inactive at the beginning of the year and was interrupted by a project in May and June. Apart from that I had been doing currency trade which was not a very fruitful venture.

Trades Since 01-01-2010 Qty. Buy Cost $ Sell Valuation $ Gain/Loss Fees Profit Dividend Net Profit % ROI Comments Bought Sold
Bio-Treat 50,000 0.0650 3,250.00 0.135 6,750.00 3,500.00 58.58 3,441.42
3,441.42 105.89% Price Sudden Surge, bound to retreat. 16/10/2009 13/01/2010
Yanlord 3,000 2.0200 6,060.00 1.950 5,850.00 -210.00 59.55 -269.55
-269.55 -4.45% Down Trend. 19/01/2010 21/01/2010
Capitaland 2,000 3.5100 7,020.00 3.780 7,560.00 540.00 60.91 479.09
479.09 6.82% Market Down Trend 21/05/2010 24/06/2010
ComfortDelgro 5,000 1.4800 7,400.00 1.540 7,700.00 300.00 61.17 238.83
238.83 3.23% Market Down Trend 20/05/2010 24/06/2010
Bio-Treat 50,000 0.0650 3,250.00 0.080 4,000.00 750.00 57.18 692.82
692.82 21.32% Price Sudden Surge, bound to retreat. 04/09/2010 13/01/2010
STX PO 1,000 13.6000 13,600.00 14.000 14,000.00 400.00 96.72 303.28
303.28 2.23%
07/09/2010 10/08/2010
Delong 20,000 0.6050 12,100.00 0.658 13,150.00 1,050.00 88.48 961.52
961.52 7.95% Low volume after long up trend 11/01/2010 20/09/2010
Bio-Treat 50,000 0.0850 4,250.00 0.090 4,500.00 250.00 57.95 192.05
192.05 4.52% Not for long term. 15/09/2010 24/09/2010
GuangZhaoIFB 100,000 0.0650 6,500.00 0.070 7,000.00 500.00 60.36 439.64
439.64 6.76% Sell on Fear. Not for long term. 22/09/2010 23/09/2010
Hoe Leong 20,000 0.3600 7,200.00 0.355 7,100.00 -100.00 60.77 -160.77
-160.77 -2.23% Wrong Entry. Cut loss fast. 23/09/2010 24/09/2010
UETF 50 SSE 5,000 1.9000 9,500.00 2.200 11,000.00 1,500.00 71.84 1,428.16
1,428.16 15.03% Reasonable gain obtained 07/07/2010 15/10/2010
UETF 50 SSE 5,000 2.0200 10,100.00 2.240 11,200.00 1,100.00 74.64 1,025.36
1,025.36 10.15% Reasonable gain obtained 21/07/2010 15/10/2010
DMX Tech 20,000 0.4550 9,100.00 0.425 8,500.00 -600.00 62.96 -662.96
-662.96 -7.29% Based on 2/17 MA. Entry too rush. 14/10/2010 20/10/2010
ChinaGaoXian 30,000 0.1800 5,400.00 0.230 6,900.00 1,500.00 59.75 1,440.25
1,440.25 26.67% Initial Target Reached 30/09/2010 29/10/2010
ChinaGaoXian 20,000 0.2000 4,000.00 0.230 4,600.00 600.00 57.87 542.13
542.13 13.55% Satisfied with the profit 20/10/2010 29/10/2010
ChinaGaoXian 30,000 0.2300 6,900.00 0.240 7,200.00 300.00 60.67 239.33
239.33 3.47% Wait for correction 04/11/2010 22/10/2010
Anchun 30,000 0.2300 6,900.00 0.190 5,700.00 -1,200.00 59.90 -1,259.90
-1,259.90 -18.26% Stop Out. Poor entry point 04/11/2010 22/11/2010

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00%

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00%

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00%

Total Realised:

10,180.00 1,109.31 9,070.69 0.00 9,070.69 7.40%

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I'd like to share my experiences and knowledge about healthy and happy living as well as mid-life crisis. 不以物喜,不以己悲。