Friday, August 26, 2011

The Wild Swing to Continue in the Stock Market Worldwide

With USA market leading, the wild swings in the prices and indices is expected to continue for a while. With this back drop, I am expecting at least one sovereign default to take place before extreme measures will be implemented to stabilize the market. And my guess is Greece will be the bogey boy since its impact to other nations is among the smallest of all. Spain, Italy are too large. France is even larger. USA default means world economy collapse. Essentially, USA is "Safe".

It seems that we may not avoid the double dip after all. But the dip will be short lived. There will be immerse effort to blow up the bubble. Another much bigger bubble will be sharped in place to cover the current bubble. This seems to be the direction of how the world economy is moving towards to. As individual, we can't go against it. We can only trade along it. Even a country like USA or China can't fight this trend. The whole world is addicted to credit and spending future money. The addiction is too deep to ditch. Nobody is able to take the pain of curing.

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