Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Market Analysis: 2011 Rally(?)

Earlier this year, there has been much talks about 2011 year end rally. I believe there are some investors who bought into this idea. From the last 2 weeks, the out look has changed a lot. It seems clear that some of the guru's  prediction of 2012 market collapse is becoming more realistic! Are we heading for a double dip market? Is the recession unavoidable?
From the technical analysis, here is an interesting article that I like to share:


This is a very classic, standard technical analysis using support lines and patterns. If technical analysis is reliable, we should see the market moving towards the 2009 lows or even more within the next few months.

As an investor, it is better to be cautious. Be alert to the market movements and make sure we have our cut-loss rules in place.

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