Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trade Summary May 2011 SGX

Still struggling with the trades. Basically, sometimes, I just lose patience and make moves that only regret later. Essentially, I am still having trouble sticking to a system or should I say, still trying to figure out what is the most suitable system that I can adopt.

Trades Since 01-01-2011Qty. BuySellGain/Loss Fees NetProfitDIVTot Profit% ROIBoughtSold

The total REALIZED profit is S$1,020.75.
Well, I can say that, at least to console myself, it is a profitable month even though it is rather pathetic.

How did I do comparing to STI performance (excluding my Dividends)

Month EndedTotal ValueEquity Value Cash ValueVestedChgPort PerfSTI valSTI Perf


Through out this year, my portfolio performed below par compared to STI. STI is down about 1.7% whereas my portfolio was down more than 2.2%. I am about 0.5% below par.

Looking back, since March this year, I had switched from S-Chip and Penny to STI counters. Buy trading STI counters, it is more difficult to beat the STI itself. However, this is a much lower risk method of trading. Trading in S-Chips and Penny will result is much better performance but carries a significantly higher risk.

One of my mistake was to stay in cash for too long in March and April while observing the market direction.

Right now, I notice many stock in SGX are showing down trend. I am not sure if this is going to persist for long. If this is just a short correction, I would move back into the market again. However, there is also a chance that this is a prelude to a more major problem to come. In stock market, anything can happen. One can only guess.

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I'd like to share my experiences and knowledge about healthy and happy living as well as mid-life crisis. 不以物喜,不以己悲。