Sunday, March 6, 2011

Monthly Trading Standing

Putting myself into the line by exposing my trade performance. Tracking performance is very importance if you are serious about trading and investing. If you lose picture of your real performance, you are not going to make serious money.
The key measurement is the index performance. I think I need to track the index as well.
Looking at the normalized STI index (month's closing value) against my portfolio, I realized that my performance is actually ahead of the STI index stocks. (I had previously posted a calculation that showed STI increase by 31% from Feb 2010 to Feb 2011)

Before I come up with this method of measurement, I had no idea of how I actually perform against the major index. When I saw my portfolio increase by 18% over the last one year, I thought I was doing all right. I felt quite satisfied with that number. When I told my friend about my performance, he thought that I was on the right track because he obviously did worse than I do. I was happy for a while. But I had no idea whether I really out perform the Index.
Then I decided to get serious and try to normalized the STI index using my initial portfolio value and make comparison neck-to-neck. I realized that I am on the right track.

Month EndedTotal ValueEquity Value Cash ValueVestedChgPort PerfST Index

So, what's next?
The key now is to continue to out perform and improve on my performance if possible. Instead of 18% annual return, now, try to target 30% annualized return.

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